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Martín Caparrós

Martín Caparrós (Buenos Aires, 1957) studied History in Paris, has lived in Buenos Aires, Madrid and New York, edited magazines about books and cooking magazines, translated Voltaire, Shakespeare and Quevedo, received the Planeta Prize, the Herralde Novel Prize, the Rey de España Prize for Journalism, the Guggenheim Fellowship, planted a lemon tree, had a son and published some 30 books. The most recent are the novel Comí (2013) and the essay El Hambre.

El Hambre sets out to uncover the mechanisms that cause almost one billion people die for want of the food they need; their personal stories and those of the people who work to prevent this happening; official discourses and their half-truths, and the things we aren’t told because someone doesn’t want us to know them. First published in 2013, it is set to be released in 15 countries in 2015. 

Update: 28 September 2020


Has participated in

The old journalism

Presentation of the book edited by 5W about journalistic writing

Jon Lee Anderson and Martín Caparrós

Wars and Hunger