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Maria Sevilla Paris

Author of the collection Dents de Polpa (Teeth of Pulp, Adia Edicions, 2015) and Kalàixnikov (Món de Llibres, 2017), she was selected to represent Catalan poetry at the 2017 International Poetry Festival of Barcelona. After obtaining a degree in Catalan Philology from the University of Barcelona, she wrote a doctoral thesis on the novel La passió segons Renée Vivien (The Passion According to Renée Vivien) by Maria-Mercè Marçal. Her work has been translated into Spanish, English, Turkish, and Croatian. Her collections of poems have received the Bernat Vidal i Tomàs Prize for Poetry (2015) and the Miquel Àngel Riera de Manacor Prize for Poetry (2017). Since 2019 she has been one of the three programmers of l’Horiginal performing arts theatre.

Update: 7 October 2019



Today’s feminist creators

Has participated in

Marçalianes. “I take the road that has led me to you”

Celebration of the creative legacy of Maria-Mercè Marçal


Today’s feminist creators