With degrees in Education (Instituto Superior Pedagógico Enrique José Varona) and History (University of Havana, 1974), she has a doctorate in Philosophical Sciences in the specialised field of Aesthetics (University of Kiev, Ukraine, 1987) and is a tenured lecturer at the Instituto Superior de Arte (Havana). She is president of the Theory and Criticism Section of the Unión Nacional de Escritores y Artistas de Cuba (National Union of Writers and Artists of Cuba) and of the Asociación de Artistas Plásticos (Plastic Arts Association). She has been curator of numerous exhibitions, including "Muestra de arte cubano" (Exhibition of Cuban Art) at the Hamburg Art Fair (2001) and the exhibition "Andén16. Heterónimos. Los otros de uno mismo" (Platform 16. Heteronyms. The Others of Oneself - Madrid, Barcelona, Quito, 2005-2006). She is the author of Indagaciones. El Nuevo Arte Cubano y su Estética (Inquiries. The New Cuban Art and its Aesthetics - Pinar del Río, 2004) and co-editor, with Kevin Power, of Antología de textos críticos: El nuevo arte cubano (Anthology of Critical Texts: New Cuban Art - Santa Monica, 2006).