Manuel Moreno
He has a PhD (European Mention) in Physical Sciences from the University of Barcelona and is presently a lecturer in the Physics Department of the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC) where he also works in the Technology Development Centre of Remote Acquisition (SARTI). His research activity is in the field of astronomy and, in particular, aspects of stellar kinematics and local structure of the Galaxy. He has worked in the Fabra, Calar Alto, Haute-Provence and Besançon (France) astronomical observatories and has taken part in the Hipparcos scientific satellite mission.
As a result of his interest in communicating and popularising science he has published, among other works, the books De King Kong a Einstein. La física en la ciencia ficción (From King Kong to Einstein: Physics in Science Fiction – Edicions UPC, 1999) and La ciencia de la ciencia ficción: espadas láser, naves espaciales y superpoderes (Science Fiction: Laser Swords, Spaceships and Super-Powers – EMSE, 2016). He has also worked with science outreach areas of the media, for example, “Ciberp@ais” in El País, “¿Ciencia o ficción?” in La Sexta (television), and “Extraradi” on COM Ràdio.
Update: 23 November 2017