Lucía Herrero
Lucía Herrero has studies in architecture, physical theatre and photography. Her education in these three areas of the arts has influenced her professional and artistic work alike.
Lucía’s work has received awards and been exhibited on numerous occasions. She won the SFR Jeunes Talents prize for her work shown at Les Rencontres d’Arles (2010). She also formed part of the Descubrimientos PhotoESPAÑA group (2010) and received a Sony Award, enabling her to exhibit her work worldwide. She has also received as the Terry O’Neill Award, the IPA (International Photography Award), Magnum Expression and the Lensculture Exposure Award.
She has published in Time, Internazionalle, GEO and Wired, and her work forms part of the permanent collection of Kiyosato Museum of Photographic Arts (KMOPA), in Japan.
Update: 19 November 2020