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Lucas Platero

With a PhD in Sociology and Political Science from the National Distance Education University (UNED), Lucas Platero combines teaching work on social-community intervention with research and trans* activism. He is director of the “Bellaterra trans*” of the publishing house Edicions Bellaterra and lecturer at Rey Juan Carlos University. His areas of work include non-normative sexuality, intersection of different forms of exclusion, and transformative pedagogy. He has carried out research in several institutions, studying issues like gender and homophobic violence, experience of trans* people with children, and constructing an LGBT political agenda. Among his more recent publications are Lesbianas. Discursos y representaciones (Lesbians: Discourse and Representations, Melusina, 2008), Intersecciones. Cuerpos y sexualidades en la encrucijada (Intersections: Bodies and Sexualities at the Crossroads, Bellaterra, 2012), Por un chato de vino. Historias de travestismo y masculinidad femenina (For a Glass of Wine: Stories of Transvestism and Feminine Masculinity, Bellaterra, 2015), and also Trans*exualidades (Trans*exualities, Bellaterra, 2014), the latter of which Platero presents as an instrument for social change. In this book, he uses the term “trans*” (with an asterisk) to highlight the diversity of experiences of people who not fit within the norms—revealing the rigidity of the binary system in which we live—that prescribe what is appropriate for men and women. 

Update: 27 April 2023


Has participated in

Bad Sexuality

With Bárbara Ramajo, Lucas Platero and Marta Vusquets

Lecture by Susan Stryker

The Transgender Lens