Lali Álvarez
A playwright, theatre director, and writer, she studied Philosophy at the University of Barcelona, video-making at La Mercè, and Directing and Playwriting at the Barcelona Theatre Institute. She is presently writer in residence at the Nau Ivanow with the Agrupació HUI BASA (theatre group), of which she is artistic director and with which she is engaged in projects covering three different areas: the theatre documentary, work in unconventional spaces, and relationship with the spectator. With HUI BASA she premiered THA TZPAR, which she co-authored with Pau Matas, at the Tàrrega Festival in 2018, and also DISSENY HUG, a work conceptualized with Gary Shochat and taking the form of an intervention in the space of the Design Museum. She is also author and director of BARCELONA (contra la paret) (BARCELONA (against the Wall), performed by the company LAPùBLICA (Grec, FiraTàrrega, and Temporada Alta festivals 2016), as well as of Ragazzo (Nau Ivanow, 2015), which was awarded the Critics’ Prize for the Best Young People’s Show and Actor Revelation, and the 2015 Serra d’Or Prize for the Best Show.
Update: 8 October 2019