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Julià Guillamon

Graduated in Catalan Philology, he is a journalist and a critic writing for the Culturas supplement of La Vanguardia as well as for various newspapers and culture magazines.

He published Fulls impermeables (1983); Palau i Fabré (1987, in collaboration with other authors); Joan Perucho i la literatura fantástica (1989); La fàbrica de fred (Empúries: Barcelona, 1991) and La ciutat interrompuda (Barcelona: La Magrana, 2001. Premi Crítica Serra d'Or d'Assaig) a book about the transformation of Barcelona from the 1970s up to the Olympic Games.

He has recently prepared an edition of articles by Carles Sentís, L'instant abans del 36 (2004) and of the gypsy tales of Juli Vallmitjana De la raça que es perd (2005). Member of PEN, he was curator of the exhibitions Literatures submergides (1991); Alter Músiques Natives (1995); Joan Perucho. L'art de tancar els ulls (1998); Josep Palau i Fabre, l'Alquimista (2001) and Literatures de l'Exili.




Has participated in

Literatures of Exile