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Josep Massot

He is a Cultural Journalist, a profession he understands as a tool to help spread the most innovative works of all genres and all eras, to denounce the political, social, or economic evils of the present, and to explain the experience of our times through culture. He has worked in La Vanguardia since 1987 and since 2018 is a regular contributor to El País and its Catalan edition, Quadern. He also writes for various magazines, such as Jot Down and L'Avenç. He has published, among other books, the biography Joan Miró. The boy that spoke with trees (Published in Spanish and Catalan by Galaxia Gutenberg, 2018), which reviews the artist's work and life in light of the turbulent local and international history of the 20th century.

Update: 27 October 2022


Has participated in

Pankaj Mishra and Josep Massot

Reading the world, Looking Forward