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Jordi Torres Viñals

Professor at the Technical University of Catalonia and researcher at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center

Professor of Computer Architecture at the Technical University of Catalonia (UPC), has been engaged in teaching, management, technology transfer, and research in his long academic career. He is author and co-author of more than 200 research publications and books on high performance computing (HPC) and artificial intelligence (AI). He presently teaches in the Artificial Intelligence degree and masters courses at the UPC. In 2005 he joined the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC) as part of the founding team and became research manager in the Computer Science Department. His experience and teaching abilities have also led him to occupy the position of expert adviser in HPC and IA to the management at BSC with the aim of strengthening communication about and popularisation of the BSC’s research and innovation projects. He regularly appears in a range of mass media outlets, speaking about the social impact of HPC and AI. He is scientific adviser to the “Artificial Intelligence” exhibition at the CCCB and has recently published the book La intel.ligència artificial explicada als humans ("Artificial Intelligence Explained to Humans", Plataforma Editorial).

Update: 26 July 2023



Has participated in

The Paths of Artificial Intelligence

Mateo Valero, Alfonso Valencia, Karina Gibert and Jordi Torres