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Jordi Lara

Writer and journalist

A graduate in Catalan Philology, Jordi Lara is the author, among other work, of the book of short stories Mística conilla (Edicions 1984, 2016), which won the 2017 Serra d’Or Narrative Critics Prize, and the novels Papallones i roelles (Edicions 1984, 2004), Una màquina d’espavilar ocells de nit (Edicions 1984, 2019), and Sis nits d’agost (Edicions 1984), a literary approach to death exploring the figure of Lluís Maria Xirinacs, which was a finalist for the Omnium Award for Best Novel in 2019. He also wrote and directed the feature film Ventre blanc, la faula d’uns adults que es fan forts dins d’un capgròs and has worked as a cultural journalist for TV3. As a writer, he recently participated in the special issue of the magazine Branca entitled Els coets venien com llagostes, published in collaboration with the CCCB for Kosmopolis 2021.

Update: 19 June 2021

