Joan Vergés Gifra
Full Professor of Moral Philosophy in the Department of Philosophy at the University of Girona and director of the Ferrater Mora Chair of Contemporary Thought, he is also a Humanities consultant to the Open University of Catalonia. He has been Associate Professor of Humanities at the Autonomous University of Barcelona and visiting lecturer in Political Science at the Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona, as well as making research visits to Harvard, Oxford, and Osnabrück universities. His main areas of work are contemporary political philosophy, in particular John Rawls, theory of nationalism, pluralism, and religious diversity. He is presently director of the project of digitalising and updating the Diccionario de Filosofía by Josep Ferrater Mora. He has published numerous academic articles in publications including Theoria: A Journal of Social and Political Theory, The European Legacy, Ethnic and Racial Studies, and Journal of Social Philosophy, and the books Libertad: una inmersión rápida (Freedom: A Quick Plunge, Tibidabo Edicions, 2018), La nació necessària (The Necessary
Nation, Angle, 2014, winner of the 17th Ramon Trias Fargas Prize for the Political Essay), and Les esquerdes del liberalisme politic (The Cracks in Political Liberalism, Pòrtic, 2006). He has also translated works by John Rawls, Richard Rorty, and Ágnes Heller, among others
Update: 20 November 2020