Jaume Pòrtulas
(Barcelona, 1949), Professor of Greek Philology at the University of Barcelona, has worked on the world of Ancient Greece, Greek tragedy and, from time to time, other themes of the classical tradition. He is author of Lectura de Píndar (Reading Pindar, 1977) and Introducció a la Ilíada. Homer, entre la història i la llegenda (Introduction to The Iliad: Homer between History and Legend – Alpha, 2009), the latter work being awarded the National Prize for Literature. He is also co-author, with Carlos Miralles, of Archilochus and the Iambic Poetry (Ateneo, 1983) and The Poetry of Hipponax (Ateneo, 1988) while, with Sergi Grau, he co-authored Saviesa grega arcaica (Ancient Greek Wisdom – Adesiara, 2011). He is an elected member of the Academy of Belles Lettres of Barcelona and a member of the board of governors of the Bernat Metge Foundation. Between 2000 and 2006 he was President of the Catalan Society for Classical Studies.
Update: 19 December 2011