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Ignasi Ribas

Ignasi Ribas has a PhD in Physics and is research professor at the Institute of Space Sciences of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), as well as being director of the Institute of Space Studies of Catalonia (IEEC) since 2017. His area of research is discovery and characterisation of exoplanets, especially those that resemble Earth, with the ultimate goal of discovering life there in the future. Prior to this, he was an advisor to the European Space Agency and president of the Stars and Stellar Physics Division of the International Astronomical Union. Author of more than four hundred research articles in international journals, he has completed numerous science outreach programmes and also coordinates the advancement of nanosatellite projects. In 2018, he was awarded the City of Barcelona Prize for Experimental Sciences and Technology.

Update: 5 February 2025


Has participated in


Miquel Sureda, Mariona Badenas, Laura Benítez and Ignasi Ribas

Mission ALIA

Science and creation for secondary schools with the Institut d’Estudis Espacials de Catalunya