Gustau Nerín i Abad
Anthropologist and historian specialized in the study of Spanish colonialism in Africa. He has been lecturer at the National University of Equatorial Guinea, the Associated Centre of the National University for Distance Education in Bata and the University of Montpellier. His publications include, among others, Un guàrdia civil a la selva (Ed. Ariel, 2008), La guerra que vino de África; España colonizada (Ed. Crítica, 2005), L'antropòleg a l'olla (La Campana, 2008), La última selva de España (Los Libros de la Catarata, 2010), Blanc bo busca negre pobre (La Campana y Roca Editorial, 2011), and Traficants d'ànimes. Els negrers espanyols a l'Àfrica (Pòrtic, 2015, Premio Carles Rahola). In 2019, he curated the exhibition Guinea: el franquisme colonial, organized by Memorial Democràtic.
Update: 16 February 2021