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Gonzalo Escarpa

He has a degree in Hispanic Philology and is presently director of the Redfósforo art+creation+culture+action collective and Centro de Difusión Poética (Centre of Poetic Diffusion) Madrid. He is also editorial director of the publishing house Ediciones Trashumantes. Moreover, he teaches on a permanent basis at the Poetic Creation Laboratory at La Piscifactoría (Madrid). He was coordinator of the Fundación Centro de Poesía José Hierro (José Hierro Poetry Centre Foundation) from 2003 to 2008 and has also organised and given recitals and workshops in universities and spaces such as the Poetry Market of Paris, the Piccolo Theatre of Milan and the Digital Poetry Encounter in Beijing.

He has published the collection of poems Fatiga de materiales (Materials Fatigue, 2006) and the object-edition of the poem mecagoentuputamadre (ishitonyourbloodymother, 2008). His work has appeared in several books, including, Como un sello (Like a Seal, 2003) and, in 2006, La voz y la escritura 2006 (Voice and Writing, 2006), and he edited the anthology Todo es poesía menos la poesía: 22 poetas desde Madrid (Everything is Poetry Except Poetry: 22 Poets from Madrid, 2004). More recently, his main professional interest has been the study of stage poetry, the technologies of orality, the visible components of the literary and intergeneric experimentation.
