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Gisela Catanzaro

Professor of Political Science and Sociology at the University of Buenos Aires and independent researcher at CONICET (Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas) [National Council for Scientific and Technical Research, in English]. She is the author of La nación entre naturaleza y historia. Sobre los modos de la crítica (FCE, 2011), co-author of Las aventuras del marxismo. Dialéctica e inmanencia en la crítica de la modernidad (Gorla, 2003), and has compiled, together with Leonor Arfuch, Pretérito imperfecto. Lecturas críticas del acontecer (Prometeo, 2008). She currently directs the research project "Subjectivity and democracy. Contemporary ethical-political drifts of the Frankfurt School and (Post)structuralism", and co-directs the project "Dilemmas of democracy (and capitalism) in Argentina".

Update: 5 April 2022

Has participated in

From Disobedience to Solidarity

Confronting Authoritarianisms