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Gerardo Vilches

Historian, comics critic and professor at the Universidad Europea de Madrid. He is the author of Breve historia del cómic (Nowtilus, 2014), El guion de cómic (Diminuta, 2016) and La satírica transición. Magazines of political humor in Spain (1975-1982) (Marcial Pons, 2021). He is a member of the organization of Graf, a festival of independent comics and self-publishing, and co-director of CuCo, Cuadernos de cómic. He collaborates in media such as El ojo crítico, Rockdelux, CTXT or El Diario, among others. Some of his comic-related projects include the podcast Pictopía, with Roberto Bartual, and the YouTube channel La Resma, with Marc Charles.

Update: 14 December 2022



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