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Geoff Dyer


Geoff Dyer is a well-known English writer who, defying classification and playing with the limits between fiction and non-fiction, combines fiction, essay, and reporting. He is also a regular contributor in several media outlets, among them The Guardian and The New Statesman. Dyer’s fictional debut, The Colour of Memory, set in Brixton of the 1980s, is a fictionalised account of his youth in this area of South London. Notable in his prolific and award-winning literary output is the book Jeff in Venice, Death in Varanasi (in Spanish, Amor en Venecia, muerte en Benarés, Literatura Random House, 2010), which describes the spiritual travels between two far-distant cities of a London journalist who ponders how they have been constructed through the experience of tourism. His more recent White Sands: Experiences from the Outside World (Arenas blancas, Literatura Random House, 2017) is a kind of chronicle of a journey to ten places on the planet as Dyer tries to respond to the question of why we travel. In his most recent book, The Last Days of Roger Federer: And Other Endings (in Spanish Los últimos días de Roger Federer, Random House, 2023), he reflects on the consequences of the passing of time and art as a way of enduring

Update: 4 November 2024


Has participated in

Geoff Dyer and Laura Fernández

The Desire to Travel: Being a Tourist in the Twenty-First Century