Francesco Ardolino
Doctor in Catalan Philology
PhD in Catalan philology and professor of Italian philology at the University of Barcelona, he has specialized in the study of contemporary Italian and Catalan literature. Among his most recent works are the facsimile edition of Manuel de Montoliu's translation of Dante's Vida nova (Quaderns Crema, 1999) and the collective volumes of La página és la pell. Estudi sobre Felícia Fuster and Escriure és reescriure. Anàlisi i testimonis en la literatura catalana actual (Biblioteca Serra d'Or, 2022). He is vice-president of the Associazione Italiana di Studi di Catalanistica, and director of the journals Compàs d'amalgama and Haidé. Estudis maragallians. He is a member of the Laboratorio Calvino in Rome and, for the celebrations of the centenary of the Italian writer, he has organized the conference Le declinazioni di Italo Calvino and has curated the edition of the Catalan translation of L'últim és el corb (Comanegra, 2023).
Update: 18 March 2024