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Eva Belmonte

Eva Belmonte (@evabelmonte) wanted to be a journalist ever since she was even smaller than she is now, and for that reason, she becomes a raging bull when she does not have access to all the information that she is dying to report. A daily reading of the Official State Gazette (BOE) brings her back down to earth and to her blog, El BOE nuestro de cada día, where she tries to translate and contextualise the most important decisions published in the Gazette. She developed the greater part of her professional career at, where she learned to adore digital journalism, although she has also contributed to media such as La Marea. Above all, she is confident that a well-informed society, capable of making its own decisions with all the weapons at its disposal and without paternalism, is a better society.

Update: 27 February 2014


Has participated in

Talk and presentation by Civio: "Quién Manda" and workshop (Hackathon)

I Data Journalism and Open Data Conference

When Data Tell Stories