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Emanuele Fabiano

Emanuele Fabiano has a doctorate in anthropology and ethnology from the École des Hautes Études in Social Sciences (EHESS) in Paris. Currently, he is a member of the ECO project. He is also a member of the Laboratory of Social Anthropology (LAS), of the “Group of Contemporary Indigenous Amazon Research. Interethnic Relations, Languages and History” of the Riva-Agüero Institute of the PUCP, and of the “Anthropology Group Amazonian” (GAA-PUCP). In his research he has analyzed the techniques of construction of the person (human and non-human) and its implications in the processes of social reproduction among the Urarina of the Peruvian Amazon. Your investigations have also focused on the anthropological, political and social effects of extractivist processes (oil and wood) and their implications at a ritual and cosmological. He has carried out field work in Andean regions and in the region of the Darien, in Panama. He is co-editor of the book Urban Imaginaries in Native Amazonia Tales of Alterity, Power, and Defiance y co-autor del libro ArahuataInuaelü nenakaaürüte karitiin nereretaaüre. Ninichu kuruuaje nenakaaürü Urarinaaürü nereretaau / Los antiguos me contaron. Mitos y cuentos urarinas del bajo Chambira. Urarina myths and stories from the lower Chambira, written in collaboration with narrators and translators from the Urarina People (Peruvian Amazon).

Update: 18 March 2024

Has participated in

Culturnautes 2024

The CCCB’s summer camp