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Eider Rodríguez


Rodríguez is a multifaceted creator, combining writing—fiction, journalistic articles, and scripts—with language and literature teaching at the University of the Basque Country. She has a degree in Advertising and a PhD in Literature and has worked as a Basque editor at the publishing house Txalaparta, and also as a translator. She made her literary debut with the short story collections Eta handik gutxira gaur (And Soon After Now, Susa, 2004), Haragia (Meat, 2007, Susa), Katu jandea (A Heap of Cats, Elkar, 2010), and Bihotz handiegia (A Heart Too Big, Susa, 2017), the latter collection being awarded the Euskadi Prize for Literature, and the Euskadi Silver Prize in 2018. In Spanish (Un corazón demasiado grande, Literatura Random House, 2019) this book brings together the stories from the award-winning book and other stories published in Basque selected and translated by Rodríguez. It has also been published in Catalan as Un cor massa gran. I altres relats (Periscopi, 2019), in the translation from Basque by Pau Joan Hernàndez.

In addition to stories that portray characters who are confronted with everyday reality, Eider Rodríguez has written and translated the script for the comic Santa Familia (Holy Family, Grafito, 2022), which is illustrated by Julen Ribas, and the children’s story Nikoleta eta gaua (Nicoleta and the Night, Elkar, 2008), illustrated by the artist Arrate Rodríguez. She has also approached the history of Basque literature and writing processes in essay format, and on the basis of an epistolary exchange with the writer Belén Gopegui in the bilingual Basque-Spanish volume Korrespondentziak/Correspondencia (Correspondence, Erein, 2016). Materials de construcció (Building Materials, Periscopi, 2020) is her first novel, in which she recovers her family history to explore the power of the written word in constructing subjectivity.

Update: 10 October 2023
