Dimas Paredes
Born in the province of Ucayali, Paredes (1954) lives and works in the city of Pucallpa (Peru). He is a renowned follower of the painter Pablo Amaringo, the founder, together with the researcher Eduardo Luna, of the Usko-Ayar Amazonian School of Painting.
Paredes is a visionary artist with an individual style, revealing a strikingly beautiful natural world suffused with mystery. He is a careful observer of the exuberance of the tropical rainforest, of the dense vegetation and the creatures that live within it, and produces landscapes full of points of light that express the energy exuded by the master plants and their protectors. According to Dimas, these highlights of colour are the energy of the universe.
His work has been shown in international exhibitions and in 2020 he was the main artist in the group show Sacred Forest at the Awa Galería (Cuzco, Peru). His work is held in the permanent collection of the Museo de Arte de Lima and in private collections in Washington and elsewhere in the USA, Prague, London, Ibiza and Peru.
Participates in the exhibition “Science Friction” with the painting Ajos Kiro, 2019.
Update: 21 May 2021