Chantal Maillard
Chantal Maillard is a philosopher and poet. After obtaining a PhD in Philosophy from the University of Malaga she moved to Varanasi to specialise in Indian philosophies and religions at the Banaras Hindu University. Until 2001 she was a tenured lecturer in Aesthetics and Theory of the Arts at the University of Malaga where she was instrumental in introducing studies in Comparative Philosophy and Aesthetics. She has written numerous books of poems, essays, and prose works and is also a specialist in the work of Maria Zambrano as well as being one of the main editors and translators into Spanish of the poet Henri Michaux. She was awarded the Spanish National Prize for Poetry (2004) for her work Matar a Platón (Killing Plato, Tusquets, 2004), the Critics’ Prize for Spanish Poetry (2007), and the Andalusian Critics’ Prize (2008). Notable among her other works are India (Pre-textos, 2014), La baba del caracol (The Snail’s Slime, Vaso Roto, 2014), the poetry collections Balbuceos (Babblings, Árbol de Poe, 2012), La herida en la lengua (The Wound in the Tongue, Tusquets, 2015), Cual menguando (Which Waning, Tusquets, 2018) and, more recently, the essay La compasión difícil (The Difficult Compassion, Galaxia Gutenberg, 2019). She also writes on a regular basis for the cultural supplements of newspapers like ABC and El País.
Update: 23 July 2019