Carlos Ruiz Zafón
An internationally famous writer who began his career in the early 1990s when, having worked in the world of advertising, he moved to live in Los Angeles to make his career as a scriptwriter. In 1993 he won the Edebé Prize for Children's Literature with his first novel El príncipe de la niebla, which quickly earned him recognition. This was followed by El palacio de la medianoche (1994), Las luces de septiembre (1995) and Marina (1999), all written for younger readers. His first novel for adults, The Shadow of the Wind, was published in 2001 after being runner-up for the Fernando Lara Novel Prize in the year 2000. This novel, set in post-war Barcelona, gradually grew in popularity to become a reading phenomenon unique in Spain, with over one million copies sold, translated into over thirty languages and published in over forty countries. He died on june 2020.
Update: 8 July 2020