Carlos Muguiro
Filmmaker, professor and film curator. Doctor of Humanities from the Universitat Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona, graduate in Communication from the University of Navarra and in Film Directing from the ECAM (Madrid Film School). He has codirected with Sergio Oksman the films Goodbye, America (2007), Notes on the Other (2009), A Story for the Modlins (2012) and O futebol (2015). Visiting Scholar at the Cambridge University Department of Slavonic Studies, he is the editor of Ver sin Vertov (1955-2005): Cincuenta años de no ficción en Rusia y la URSS; Ermanno Olmi: Siete encuentros y otros instantes; The Man Without the Movie Camera: The Cinema of Alan Berliner and, more recently, Las formas de la Estalgia (cubana) and Mi abuelo murió leyendo a Pushkin (Antología de escritores cubanos post soviéticos). He founded the Punto de Vista Festival in Navarra and was its director until 2009 and has been head of the documentary cinema specialty at the ECAM. Since 2017, he is the director of the Elías Querejeta Zine Eskola.
Update: 12 March 2019