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Carla Boserman

Carla Boserman is a doctoral student on the Cultural Studies, Translation and Gender programme at the UVIC-UD-BAU and a researcher specializing in art. She has a bachelor’s degree in Fine Arts (University of Seville) and a master’s degree in Digital Communication, Culture and Citizenship (Medialab Prado and URJC).

She is currently coordinator of the Art Department of BAU. For many years she participated in projects involving collaborative and experimental practices such as the Xarxa d’Arquitectures Col·lectives and in the context of Medialab-Prado. She has taught workshops and designed teaching material for the MACBA, CCCBLab, the Vostell Malpartida Museum, the UOC, La Panera, La Casa Encendida, Telefónica Foundation and various public administrations. She teaches at several centres in Barcelona.

In her practice, she investigates the role of drawing in collaborative contexts involving memory and resistance. She also develops educational programmes based on speculative creation and design.

Twitter: @cboserman

Update: 8 June 2016

Has participated in

Internet Universe. Pedagogical resources

Teacher training workshop

Privacy Dilemmas and the Future of the Internet

Presentation of two new units of the educational briefcase