Bárbara Ramajo
Ramajo is a researcher and activist and a member of Bollos en Teoria, a space for lesbian-feminist debate at Ca la Dona, Barcelona. She has a PhD in Gender, Difference and Alterity from the University of Barcelona, with the thesis Desbordar el cuerpo lesbiano, sobre el más allá de la existencia lesbiana y sus violencias fantasmas, later published with the title El fantasma lesbiano (Bellaterra Edicions, 2023). She also has a Master in Women, Gender and Citizenship Studies and has a degree in Anthropology. She has been a member of lesbian feminist groups such as “Eix Violeta o QueroSeno, Cultures i Identitats Lesbianes. O no?”. Ramajo has a long trajectory in lesbian-feminist activism, and has participated in various feminist events, as well as writing in collaborative publications. She has also published the novel Les primeres vegades no son las únicas (2018), and wrote the prologue to the Spanish edition of Adrienne Rich’s Essential Essays (Ensayos esenciales, Capitán Swing, 2019).
Update: 25 April 2023