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Asunción Ruiz

Environmental scientist and executive director of the Spanish Ornithological Society–SEO/BirdLife

Asunción Ruiz is an environmental scientist and executive director of the Spanish Ornithological Society–SEO/BirdLife, the oldest environmental organisation in Spain, which is responsible for the study and conservation of the country’s biodiversity. She has designed, implemented and directed large-scale technical and strategic projects associated with different areas of knowledge and environmental conservation at the national and international level. She is the author and editor of numerous scientific articles and publications for the general public, as well as a series of monographs and inventories, such as Áreas Importantes para la Conservación de las Aves Marinas en España (SEO/Birdlife, 2009), La pardela balear (SEO/Birdlife, 2002), and the Libro rojo de las aves de España (SEO/Birdlife, 2021). As director of the SEO, she represents the organisation in national and international forums and in relations with the public administrations, companies and foundations.

Update: 31 March 2022


Has participated in

Human Rights and Climate Justice

Gretchen C. Daily and Asunción Ruiz