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Arturo, fito Rodríguez Bornaetxea

Exhibition curator, writer and lecturer

Curator of exhibition projects and currently lecturer in the Art and Technology Department in the Fine Arts Faculty of the Universidad del País Vasco EHU/UPV. Founder of SEAC, the artistic action collective (1994-1998). Work of the collective belonging to the Artium collection. Founder of Fundación Rodríguez, conducting artistic and cultural projects between 1994 and 2012. Teacher at the Centro de Imagen y Nuevas Tecnologías in Vitoria-Gasteiz, experimental area, 1990-1994. Member of the Madrid Abierto curatorial group (2004-2008), the HAMACA selection committee ( and the jury of the INJUVE arts exhibition (1999-2001), as well as other visual arts shows. He has written screenplays, and produced and directed short and documentary films. He writes periodically for the specialist press on art and contemporary culture. His artistic work is included in collections such as Artium and that of the Basque Government and his audiovisual work is distributed by HAMACA

Update: 15 October 2013
