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Anna Gual


She earned an undergraduate degree in Audiovisual Communication from Pompeu Fabra University and a Master’s degree in Cultural Management from the University of Barcelona. In 2008, she published her first collection of poems, Implosions (LaBreu Edicions), which was followed by other works such as the trilogy Arrel Trinitat formed by the poetry collections Molsa (AdiA Edicions, 2016) – Bernat Vidal i Tomàs Prize, El tubercle (Editorial 3i4, 2016) – Senyoriu d’Ausiàs March Award, and Altres semideus (LaBreu Edicions, 2019). In 2019, she won the Rosa Livernois Cadaqués Prize for the book of poems Ameba (Libras del Segle) and a year later she published Innombrable (Stendhal Books, 2020), a bilingual anthology of all her poetic work, translated into Spanish by Miriam Reyes. Her work, which has also been translated into French, English and Portuguese, among other languages, is marked by an interest in the image and the limits of language and includes themes such as nature and motherhood. Throughout her career, she has participated in literary festivals and seminars on poetry translation in Italy, Croatia, Russia and England, and she is currently the head of communications for the Association of Cava Producers.
