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Andrea Gumes

Political scientist and cultural journalist

For four seasons she has presented Tardeo, the afternoon culture and current affairs programme of the station Ràdio Primavera Sound. In 2023, she presented the International Women’s Day programme of the Generalitat (Government) of Catalonia in podcast format. With Anna Pacheco, she is currently co-presenter of the podcast Ciberlocutorio; with Berta Gómez, of the literary podcast Demasiadas mujeres; and with Andreu Juanola, of the gastronomic podcast La cullerada. In her work with television, she has been presenter of the Betevé web series programme Tube d’assaig, as well as working in the channel’s cultural programme Àrtic. She has also taken part in the TV3 programme Planta baixa with Agnès Marques and, with Alba Riera, is co-director of the TV3 digital programme La Turra, a talk show and space for cultural suggestions. Her stories may be read in the anthology Ya no recuerdo que quería ser de mayor (I No Longer Remember That I Wanted to Grow Up, Temas de Hoy, 2019) and in (h)amor 7: roto. ((h)amor 7: broken, Contintametienes, 2022). Moreover, she writes a column on series for the magazine Rockdelux.

Update: 5 October 2023
