Interview with Frédéric Edelmann
Commissioner of the exhibition "In the Chinese city"
The architecture critic and journalist Frédéric Edelmann talks about the exhibition that the CCCB and the Cité de l’Architecture et du Patrimoine devoted to China’s urban, social and cultural transformations past and present. These changes can only be understood in relation to the process of construction — and destruction — of a country that has experienced a cultural and urbanistic revolution — with rampant speculation — in barely 10 years. The video features some of the audio-visuals on show at the CCCB until February: spectacular panoramic images of the vibrant city of Chongqing and the filmmaker Luis Cervera’s dazzling montage Symphony of Mutations.
Participants: Frédéric Edelmann
Related to In the Chinese city. Perspectives on the transmutations of an Empire
11 November 2008