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A Quantum World

Soy Cámara online

This episode of Soy Cámaratakes a look at quantum physics and reflects on its importance in our everyday lives. At the same time, it explores the possibilities and doubts offered by quantum computation. Who is developing it? What will we be able to do with it? What new relations will it facilitate with medicine, artificial intelligence and cryptography? With the participation of Antonio Acín, Mònica Bello, Alba Cervera, Sònia Fernández-Vidal and José Ignacio Latorre. 

Production and screenplay: Ingrid Guardiola
Editing: Víctor Diago
Languages: Spanish, Catalan, English 
Subtitles: Català
Duration: 20 min. 

Related to Quantum, Soy Cámara online

12 April 2019