The Influencers 2019
Unconventional Art, Guerrilla Communication, Radical Entertainment
Every year since 2004 The Influencers festival has been inviting artists, hacktivists and researchers to share with the audience their experience with rebellious projects, inventions and adventures in the unstable realm where everyday technology and collective imagination collide, often times with unexpected results.
They work across a wide range of formats, most recently transitioning platforms from an online magazine to a video-streaming edutainment channel on In a carrousel of always changing short formats, is the result of a collaboration between an international and intergenerational ...
Shanzhai Lyric
Conceived by artists and researchers Ming Lin and Alexandra Tatarsky, the project takes inspiration from the experimental English of shanzhai (i.e. unofficial, bootleg) t-shirts made in China and proliferating across the globe, to examine how the language of counterfeit uses of mimicry, hybridity, ...
They are a Japanese art collective established in 2005 and emerged from the "lost generation", young people raised after the burst of the economic bubble in the early 21st century. Chim↑Pom develop ingenious forms of social criticism through paradoxical or absurd projects, drawn by everything ...
Shu Lea Cheang
"Cheang does with Internet technologies what Pasolini did with film, and Kathy Acker with literature: turn a medium against itself only to reconnect it with political history and social agency. In doing so, the post-Internet digital avant-garde, to which Cheang belongs, challenges the aesthetics ...
This interdisciplinary collective working at the crossroads of research, design and digital subcultures, presents their most recent research about the bizarre and often awkward ways internet cultures are making politization visible, and how it mutates into something unrecognizable or obscene.
Mitra Azar
DoppelGANger is a research about human faces automatically generated by a GAN system, a field in artificial intelligence in which two neural networks compete against each other to learn and autonomously produce an output. The first installment is the result of a collaboration between ...
Monira Al Qadiri
Petrochemicals in Purgatory
How about a future without oil? That is the main theme of the research that Monira Al Qadiri performes at The Influencers . Born in Senegal, raised in Kuwait, and educated in Japan, Al Qadiri adopts a range of imaginative strategies to shape histories both personal and political: Arab soap ...
Author of what has been dubbed as “the most elegant forkbomb ever written”, he is also an expert in the politics of technology, especially regarding the Internet of Things, Blockchain, and Cyber Security. In the last couple of decades planetary-scale computation precipitated the ...