Space and Food: Table, Home, Market
In these sessions, experts from various disciplines offer a wide-ranging account of the relations that have been created between vital life spaces – table, house, and market – and food.
Dialogues about the Market
Elena Albareda and Toni Massanés
The logistics and digitisation of commerce have made possible the coexistence, in the same stall, of products from nearby gardens and others from faraway parts of the world. Precisely because of this, the food choices we make in the market can transform distant territories with quite ...
Dialogues about the Table
Ada Parellada and Gustavo Duch
Do we still eat at the table? Are there changes in the way we sit together at the table? The places where we eat nowadays are increasingly diverse. The city today has intense, and often irregular rhythms thus obliging us to organise meals with other priorities and conditions. The table often ...
Dialogues about the Home
Eduardo Castillo Vinuesa and Francesc Magrinyà
Eat at home or eat out? The system of socioeconomic relations and perceptions of food in contemporary times have brought changes in the notion of centrality of the kitchen and dining spaces of the home in western culture, which to some extent, now belongs to the past. However, food has not ...