Rethinking Time
Now that it seems time has been put on hold and the pace of life and all our routines have changed, here is a collection of articles, video essays and conferences to reflect on time, how technology affects our perception of time, and disconnecting from time. Through the voices of several authors, we look at time from a sociological, literary, philosophical, cinematic, political and historical perspective.
Judy Wajcman
Time in the Digital Age
Sociologist Judy Wajcman reflects on how digital culture has changed the concept of time while simultaneously changing us.
Marina Garcés
Unfinishing the World
Living the way we are living, we are making ourselves extinct. All of us. How does this situation change our human condition and our position as political subjects? And what, then, is the power of thought? We have gone from being constructors of the world to its destroyers. Beyond apocalyptic ...
The Aftermath of the Aftermath (A Reflection on Time)
Soy Cámara online
We are living in historic times in which acceleration, technology, catastrophe and its resulting humanitarianism have occupied the world stage. The apocalyptical tale of the end of time is triumphing in parallel with the technological enlightenment that considers that innovation equals speed ...
Rüdiger Safranski
About time
Reflecting on time is a recurrent concern in literature, philosophy and religion. The old enigma, however, has become a new problem because experience of time in the modern world changes in essential ways every day. How much acceleration can the human being bear? How is it possible to achieve ...
Rereading Debord
Ingrid Guardiola
A look at today’s hyperconnected society of social media, cognitive capitalism and algorithms through the lens of the work of Guy Debord.
Hartmut Rosa
Accelerated Lives
The German sociologist Hartmut Rosa gives a lecture about “social acceleration” which, in his view, is the cause of the four great crises we presently face: the ecological crisis, the financial crisis, the crisis of political representation and high levels of dissatisfaction and exhaustion.
Rethinking Time in the Digital Age
Carles Sora
Our experience of time is increasingly mediated by digital devices of all kinds and our everyday timescapes appear to be accelerating exponentially.
Anna Pacheco, Efraín Foglia, Felipe G. Gil, Irene Solà, Jorge Carrión, Libby Heaney, Liliana Arroyo, Maria Callís Cabrera, Taller Estampa
We asked different authors to take a free, textual, no-links approach to the idea of disconnection and technology addiction.
Salvador Cardús
The clock
From the earliest timekeeping devices through to today’s smartwatches, the clock has become a key instrument in the service of social organisation and an expression of its increasing complexity. How might it be turned into a tool that fosters time for free personal use and for humanising ...
Menchu Gutiérrez
The Clearings of Time
Literature and poetry embrace many experiences from places that are far from the official time of watches, mythical spaces where time is immobilised, closed spaces like caskets guarding the hours. Physics and mysticism also share many metaphors on how to free oneself from temporality. The writer Menchu ...
Time Cannibals: Before/After (episode 1)
Soy Cámara online
The ingenuous adverts of the before-and-after type, featuring people who’ve lost weight or miraculously gained a full head of hair, gave birth to a visual argument that says a lot about how photography transformed our idea of time and what we could do with it. The same trick—comparing ...