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Fantasy Visions in Starewitch, Švankmajer and the Quay Brothers

"Metamorphosis" is an exhibition that establishes a dialogue between the four masters of animated films: Ladislas Starewitch, Jan Švankmajer and the Quay Brothers. With a strongly european style, these artisans have become authentic references for the traditional animated films created with stop-motion and other techniques. Although they are not contemporary and they have different styles, the CCCB reunites all of them to build a very particular history of the animation through the 20th century.

Report "Metamorfosis"

Metamorphosis is an exhibition that establishes a dialogue between the four masters of animated films: Ladislas Starewitch (1882-1965), Jan Švankmajer(1934) and the Quay Brothers (1947).  

Svankmajer Decalogue

Soy Cámara online

Jan Švankmajer's Decalogue, a text on his artistic principles written in 1999, perfectly sums up the vigor and artistic commitment of the animators of the exhibition "Metamorphosis". The program enunciates this decalogue and illustrates it with a selection of his works, recognized as ...

Jan Švankmajer, the Quay brothers and Léona-Béatrice Martin-Starewitch

Possibilities for dialogue

The exhibition "Metamorphosis: Starewitch, Švankmajer and the Quay Brothers", curated by the experimental film specialist Carolina López Caballero, presented the work of four essential figures of animated cinema. With this meeting, these authors are discussed in the first person ...

Interview with Carolina López Cabellero

Curator of "Metamorphosis"

The exhibition "Metarmorphosis", curated by Carolina López, an experimental cinema  expert, presents the works of four key figures in the field of animated films. In this interview, the curator talks about the four authors and about the importance of their work in the history of art.

Metamorfosis. Quay brothers about the creative process


Born in the United States and resident in the United Kingdom for more than three decades, the Quay Brothers, identical twins, are at the forefront of world animation. In this interview, they talk about the process of creating new works

Xcèntric screens «Metamorfosis» (March - May 2014)

Xcèntric, the CCCB cinema programme, is holding a complementary film season featuring individual screenings of films by the filmmakers featured in «Metamorphosis». The season puts the works by the pioneering puppet animator, Ladislas Starewitch, the surrealist films of Jan ...