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Mars: The Last Frontier?

As part of the exhibition “Mars: The Red Mirror”, this lecture series will feature scientists and thinkers from different disciplines who will analyse the contradictions raised by the project of colonising Mars and our becoming a multiplanetary species.

Carme Jordi and Xavier Luri

Mars: Cosmos

A conversation between the astrophysicists Carme Jordi and Xavier Luri about the latest advances in observation of space and the big questions about the cosmos that are yet to be answered.

Miquel Sureda, Mariona Badenas, Laura Benítez and Ignasi Ribas

Mars: Testing

The physicist and engineer Miquel Sureda, the astrophysicist and MIT researcher Mariona Badenas, and the philosopher Laura Benítez speak in a session moderated by the astrophysicist Ignasi Ribas about space as territory for scientific speculation and testing.

Ricard Solé and Guillem Anglada-Escudé

Mars: Frontier

Professor Ricard Solé (UPF-ICREA), an expert in complex systems analysis and synthetic biology, speaks with the astrophysicist Guillem Anglada-Escudé (UB), co-founder of the Nüwa project, about space exploration as the last frontier of science which will possibly mark a new stage for humanity.

Kim Stanley Robinson

Mars: Utopia

The writer Kim Stanley Robinson, author of the Mars Trilogy speaks with the cultural researcher José Luis de Vicente about space as a driver of contemporary utopian thought.