Marçalianes. “I take the road that has led me to you”
Celebration of the creative legacy of Maria-Mercè Marçal
A group of creators speak about the ties that bind their work to that of poet Maria-Mercè Marçal, and admit they are Marçalianes. We’re celebrating the legacy of Maria-Mercè online by sharing these artistic voices and inviting everyone to share verses and references to the poet. And you, are you Marçalianes, too?
Guillem Gavaldà
From "I love you when I know you naked as a razor" to the poem "Pol·linari", by Guillem Gavaldà: a dialogue where the language, inevitably, is cut off and pollinated.
Berta García-Lacht
Four years ago, Berta García-Lacht took a camera to portray the diversity of breasts that today make up her Proyecto Tetas (Boobs Project): feminist photography that clearly dialogues with Marçal's work.
Íngrid Guardiola
The body, abnormality and a short film about a colony of lepers by the Iranian poet Farrokhzad: these are the threads that the essayist Íngrid Guardiola weaves from Maria-Mercè Marçal.
Joana Gomila
Joana Gomila reads and sings one of the sonnets from Sal abierta, by Maria-Mercè Marçal. How difficult it is, after listening to it, to get rid of it: "Discard me! Or hug me without return or bridle".
Aina Torres
The poet and journalist Aina Torres explains why she considers Maria-Mercè Marçal as her literary mother, and how she pays homage to her.
Laia Estruch
The visual poetry of the "clOs/Solc" calligram becomes, with the voice of the performer Laia Estruch, poetry made body: another way of demonstrating the materiality of language.
Lucía Herrero
Women, warriors and battlefields: from the verses of Maria-Mercè Marçal to the images of the photographer Lucía Herrero and her Tributo a la bata.
Lucía Piedra
From the Impostora of Maria-Mercè Marçal to other impostures: those that have to do with the racism of our society and that the researcher Lucía Piedra denounces.
Martí Sales
Paul Celan and Sylvia Plath: the path that led Martí Sales to Marçal quotes these poets and revolves around the reflection that Arnau Pons made on the poems of the Llengua abolida
Míriam Cano
Not tenacity but the desire to be tenacious: that is what links Maria-Mercè Marçal with the poem "Heura" published in Vermell de Rússia, by Míriam Cano.
Nico Roig
Constellations, scorpions, crabs, geographies and George Michael: all based on Maria-Mercè Marçal and the musician Nico Roig's reading of her.
Marina Herlop
The words are "like glass toys." Marina Herlop knows this, and responds to Maria-Mercè Marçal's call when she transforms them into music: she is not afraid of blood.