Living Together: Territory, Community, Resources
Debates in the context of the Spanish Biennial of Architecture and Urbanism
The XV Spanish Biennial of Architecture and Urbanism (BEAU) and the CCCB are organising three days of debates and seminars to reflect on the future of the territory and its resources, community life and the current challenges facing urban thought.
City and Resources
Debates in the context of the Spanish Biennial of Architecture and Urbanism
With Sébastien Marot, Xavier Monteys and Anna Bach we rethink the connections between the countryside and the city, as well as the future of production and supply models for food and resources.
Balancing the Territory
Debates in the context of the Spanish Biennial of Architecture and Urbanism
Striking a balance between the more and less populated areas of the territory in a scenario marked by the effects of the pandemic and the energy crisis is the focus of this dialogue between José María Ezquiaga, Maria Buhigas and Ricardo Devesa.
Building Communities
Debates in the context of the Spanish Biennial of Architecture and Urbanism
How can we spark a dialogue between architecture and people’s desires and needs? With Paloma Strelitz, Cristina Goberna and Ferran Grau we will look at participatory practices and processes that promote the social function of architecture and urbanism.