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The Human Condition

The Barcelona Debate 2008

The Human Condition. Friendship

Lecture by Jordi Llovet

Lecture given at CCCB on the 3rd of March 2008. Jordi Llovet, Professor of Theory of Literature and Comparative Literature at the University of Barcelona and director of the Department of Literature at the Barcelona Institute of Humanities, talks about friendship.

The Human Condition. Madness and reason

Lecture by Remo Bodel

Lecture given at the CCCB on February 23, 2008. Remo Bodei, Professor of Philosophy at the University of California, Los Angeles, and at the University of Pisa, and author of Las lógicas del delirio (Logics of Delirium – Cátedra, 2002) talks about madness ...

The Human Condition. Creation

Lecture by Chantal Maillard

Lecture given at the CCCB on February 11, 2008. Chantal Maillard, poet, winner of the 2004 National Prize for Poetry for her work Matar a Platón (Killing Plato – Tusquets, 2004) talks about creation.

The Human Condition. The meaning of Life

Lecture by Terry Eagleton

Lecture given at the CCCB on February 4, 2008. Terry Eagleton, Professor of Cultural Theory at the University of Manchester and author of The Meaning of Life (Oxford University Press, 2007) talks about the meaning of life.

The Human Condition. Violence

Lecture by Michela Marzano

Lecture given at the CCCB on January 21, 2008. Michela Marzano, researcher at the Centre national de la recherche scientifique and author of La mort spectacle (Death as Spectacle – Gallimard, 2007) talks about violence.

The Human Condition. The word

Lecture by Ivan Klíma

Lecture given at the CCCB on March 10, 2008. Ivan Klíma, writer and author of Love and Garbage (Amor y basura, Acantilado, 2007; also published in Catalan by Edicions 62, 2002), talks about the word.