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Gandules'14 - Gas Natural Fenosa

Away from Home

Away from Home

Tariq Porter

When we speak of migration, we are inevitably speaking of ourselves. There is no country, region or city to which the concept is foreign. Migration is an intrinsic phenomenon to human beings and, therefore, to their identity. In this sense, there are few means as capable as the cinema of describing ...

Anna Pacheco

Entrevista a Delia Márquez i Pablo Díaz, directors de Lugares comunes, el curtmetratge guanyador de l’edició d’enguany del Premi Gas Natural Fenosa. El curt es podrà veure a la sessió inaugural de Gandules’14 el dia 5 d’agost. «La ...

Travelling around Gandules ’14

Anna Pacheco

From one end to another, from east to west, sailing the seas and oceans, breezing through airports, packing and (un)packing suitcases, talking other languages – or at least trying to, with the Andalusian and amusing touch of Spaniards in London, by Javier Moreno. Alone, or in company. ...

Gandules Gas Natural Fenosa Competition now down to its finalists


When August comes around, the people of Barcelona know they have a date with the CCCB. During 11 editions over as many years, Gandules has offered a very varied programme of films al fresco. This year, to coincide with 20 years of the CCCB, Gandules has been opened up to the public in an international ...