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Digital Rights, Freedom and Democracy in the net

According to the UN, the same rights that we have as citizens in the physical world, such as privacy, access to information and freedom of speech, should also be protected online. Against the backdrop of global capitalism that promotes the trading of personal data and mass surveillance, how can we ensure that these rights are not breached? Governments and large tech corporations want to do as they will when it comes to regulating and controlling users’ activity online. The European Copyright Directive has led to many voices in the online community being raised, deeming this to be an attack on freedom of speech. We’ve compiled the opinion of experts who have visited the CCCB to contribute to the debate on digital rights and internet democracy.

Richard Stallman

Free Software. The Time for Human Rights

While computers have become an essential part of our lives, new questions are being raised over who controls what our computers do and what are we allowed to do with them. These are political issues of the first order that have been resolved for the moment to satisfy the interests of large ...

Brian Eno and Evgeny Morozov

A Conversation About Technology and Democracy

In this wide-ranging conversation, Brian Eno and Evgeny Morozov draw on a number of recent high-profile political events to discuss the future of capitalism, democracy, and the role of technology in both. Do we need a new kind of politics to match this challenge, and, if so, what should it ...

James Bridle

The Influencers 2017

During The Influencers 2017 festival, the British artist James Bridle presented his research on the evolution of planetary computing systems, a whole network of systems of observation, analysis and prediction of the world around us. For years. Bridle has opened new paths in the field of critical ...

Marilín Gonzalo

Privacy in a digital setting

We are living in a time of growing, extreme datification, when a digital footprint is inevitable. Based on the genealogy of the concept of privacy, which existed prior to the Internet, we will consider what incidents like Edward Snowden’s leaks show. Do we still have the right to privacy ...

David Casacuberta

Internet Universe: "Algorithmic injustice"

Big data and artificial intelligence allow us to automate decision-making about questions that humans have always made so far. The problem of using algorithms based on automatic learning is that if these systems draw on databases that contain our society’s racist, xenophobic and sexist ...

We’re worlds, we’re lives, we’re data, we’re votes

Soy Cámara online

A look at the power of the Internet, inspired by the conferences Greert Lovink and Evgeny Morozov gave at the CCCB. Digital networks connect people and protests while also offering up our privacy to governments and companies. The programme features consultant Genís Roca, professor Ismael ...