Data Journalism, the new journalism
Data Journalism. What is Data Journalism?
Lecture by Mar Cabra
Data Journalism is a discipline that all the main international news media have incorporated in recent years, offering readers visualisations and treatment of data in order to explain the news in a clear and comprehensible way. This was the first conference focusing on this subject to be held ...
Data Journalism. Wikileaks and Offshore Leaks
Debate with John Burn-Murdoch and Mar Cabra
Data Journalism is a discipline that all the main international news media have incorporated in recent years, offering readers visualisations and treatment of data in order to explain the news in a clear and comprehensible way. This was the first conference focusing on this subject to be held ...
III Data Journalism and Open Data Conference. Data in newsrooms
Round table with Jesús Escudero (El Confidencial), Isaac Salvatierra (, Joaquí Castellón (La Sexta) and Ismael Nafría (La Vanguardia)
Data Journalism. Where to Get Data?
Lecture by Eva Belmonte
The lecture Where to Get Data? Access to Information, Transparency and Open Data by Eva Belmonte (Civio) was held at the CCCB on 24 May. Data Journalism is a discipline that all the main international news media have incorporated in recent years, offering readers visualisations ...
The Cambrian Age of Journalism
Karma Peiró
When blogger Nate Silver predicted before the last American elections that Obama had a 90.9% chance of defeating the ex-governor of Massachusetts, Mitt Romney, he came under fire from the country’s leading newspapers. The young statistician, then aged 32, and with no weight at all [...]
Interview with Aron Pilhofer
Multimedia editor of the New York Times and co-founder of
Aron Pilhofer is multimedia editor of the New York Times and co-founder of, a start-up designed to help journalists find documents, analyse them and share them. At present, this tool contains 1 million documents and is used by over 800 news teams worldwide. ...
If It’s Transparent, It’s Better
Mara Balestrini
As in Spain debate rages over the transparency law, new governmental initiatives are promoting transparency practices in different sections of the public administration. Three months ago it was the turn of the cultural institutions, and this was met with a certain nervousness among the country’s ...
Data Journalism. This is how we do data journalism in Spain
Round Table with Jesús Escudero and Juan Francisco Caro
Round table “This is how we do data journalism in Spain”, with Jesús Escudero (El Confidencial) and Juan Francisco Caro (Blog "Extremadura en datos").Data journalism is still a new discipline in Spain, but it is no longer an exception. Freelance journalists ...
The Future is Data
Eva Rexach
Fragment of a figurative map of Charles Joseph Minard, a precursor of statistical graphics and data visualization. At a time when journalism is undergoing a profound crisis as a result of the rise of social networks, financing difficulties, and increasing layoffs in the media industry, the ...
Data Journalism. The Data Work Process
Lecture by John Burn-Murdoch
Data Journalism is a discipline that all the main international news media have incorporated in recent years, offering readers visualisations and treatment of data in order to explain the news in a clear and comprehensible way. This was the first conference focusing on this subject to be held ...
Data Journalism. Data Journalism in the Media in Spain
Round Table with Judith Argila, Ricard Gràcia, Juan Luís Sánchez and Eduard Martín-Borregón
The round table Data Journalism in the Media in Spain with Judith Argila (TV3), Ricard Gràcia (El Periódico de Catalunya), Juan Luís Sánchez ( and Eduard Martín-Borregón (Data'n Press), was held at the CCCB on 24 May. Data ...
When Data Tell Stories
Karma Peiró
Last April, the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) revealed one of the greatest data leaks obtained and analysed to date by any media outlet. “Offshore Leaks” is a vast multimedia report that exposes the networks of businesses, politicians, fundraisers ...