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Climate, Capital and Democracy


This seminar, coorganised with the Center for Transcultural Studies, the Center for Studies on Planetary Wellbeing (Universitat Pompeu Fabra) and Copenhaguen University, brings together scholars and thinkers to reflect on the challenges of democracy in front of inequity and the ecosocial crisis.

Climate, Capital, and Democracy in the Anthopocene

Mukulika Banerjee, Lars Tønder and Miguel de Beistegui

Does the current condition of the Anthropocene have a historical and philosophical specificity? This panel focuses on a key issue – the climate crises of the Anthropocene – from the perspective of philosophy, political theory, and the social sciences.

Imagining and Transforming Nature: Ecology, Far-Right, and Capital

Steven Forti, Alexandra Popartan

In this panel, we examine the new discursive practices and strategies being used by the far-right in continental Europe, where groups are appropriating debates related to the environmental crisis and offering fictitious “salvationist” solutions.

Rethinking the Social Question

Sofia Näsström / Craig Calhoun and Dilip Gaonkar

The current crisis situation cannot be properly understood without examining the social question, nor can its treatment be reduced to just a political problem or an issue of economic growth. This panel brings together thinkers who have reflected, from a multidisciplinary perspective, on the ...