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Biennial of Thought 2022

The CCCB will take part in the Third Biennial of Thought, a festival of ideas sponsored by the Barcelona City Council with the participation of entities and agents from all over the city.

Dancing with Memory

An audiovisual performance

The artist and activist Nzé Ramón Esono Ebalé presents an artistic intervention in which he engages with personal memories and that of his birthplace, Equatorial Guinea, in order to construct his critical reflections on the colonial past and its legacy today.

Anne Waldman

"Star at Midnight", poetry recital

The poet, a living legend of American poetry and an international reference in oral poetry, performs with local artists in a single session that sets out to claim poetry as a tool for conveying ideas and for new ways of acting.

Kenneth Roth

The Battle for Human Rights

There is an alarming contrast between the theoretical global consensus on the importance of human rights and the unevenness of respect for these fundamental principles. Kenneth Roth, former executive director of Humans Rights Watch, speaks with the journalist Anna Bosch about the challenges ...

Masha Gessen and Carolin Emcke

New Fascisms

The journalist Masha Gessen and the philosopher Carolin Emcke will speak about the need to construct new imaginaries for the future in a present context marked by the war in Ukraine and the spread of hate speech and various forms of authoritarianism.

Óscar Martínez, Jairo Videa and Juan Daniel Treminio

A Country without Journalists

The three investigative journalists from Central America speak about the difficulties of doing their job in situations of violence where making truths known almost always means putting one’s own life at risk.

Regarding the Pain of Others

A reading set to music

A staged and musicalized interpretation of fragments of Susan Sontag's "Regarding the pain of others", with Carlota Subirós, Clara Aguilar, and Yolanda Sey

Antonio Damasio and Anil Seth

The Mysteries of Consciousness

The doctor and researcher Antonio Damasio speaks with the neuroscientist and educator Anil Seth about the latest discoveries in the field of neuroscience, which are shedding light on the mysteries of consciousness and opening up new viewpoints from which to think what makes us humans.

A morning with Carolin Emcke

A right has never been won forever

Philosopher and journalist Carolin Emcke, accompanied by trans sociologist and activist Miquel Missé, reflects with the students on the collective effort to maintain an open and plural society, at a critical time when rights and freedoms that we believed were guaranteed stagger.

Jane Mansbridge

The Art of Listening

Jane Mansbridge, a leading voice in contemporary political thought, will talk with political scientists Josep Lluís Martí and Felipe Rey Salamanca about the current challenges for Democracy and the role of listening as an instrument to guarantee their future.

Bivac. Correspondences

Dramatic reading of an epistolary exchange between a writer and a filmmaker, accompanied by music, a dance piece and visuals.

Bivac. Encounter under the Elements

We are young and we feel that we are living under the elements, vulnerable navigators in an ocean of uncertainties. Five pairs of artists and thinkers, coming from diverse contexts and positions, reflect in short conversations on the present and its possible futures.

Lucrecia Martel i Carla Simón

Stop to Observe, Love the World

Filmmakers and screenwriters Lucrecia Martel and Carla Simón talk with film critic Violeta Kovacsics about how cinema creates new ways of seeing and new spaces of encounter.

Andrey Kurkov and Simona Škrabec

Another Ukraine

Andrey Kurkov, writer and president of PEN Ukraine, speaks with the writer and translator Simona Škrabec about the situation in his country after the Russian invasion and all the unknowns with regard to the possibility of putting an end to the conflict.

Yuval Noah Harari and Rutger Bregman

Shared Futures

 In the current context, when we are far from having put an end to violence and inequalities on the planet, thinking about the future has surely become the challenge that requires maximum audacity. The historians Yuval Noah Harari and Rutger Bregman speak about the challenges of the present ...

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A morning with Marina Garcés

The time of promises

In this exercise in collective imagination the philosopher Marina Garcés invites young people in our city to delete the questions of fear and make the future a time for promises. 

Svetlana Alexievich

The Voices of Europe

Svetlana Alexievich speaks about the future we can imagine for Europe from a perspective forged in the east of the continent and permeated by the polyphonic chorus of witnesses who have populated her long career as a journalist and writer.