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Artisan cinema

This selection of audiovisual works, interviews and articles is just a sample of a type of cinema and artistes present in much of the CCCB’s programme, the Xcèntric film screenings, the alternative film festival circuit and some of the exhibitions we’ve organized over the years. Artists, visionaries and audiovisual creators who blend formats and languages, and work with unique artisan techniques. Cinema cooked on a slow heat.

J. A. Sistiaga. Impresiones

Xcèntric Interview

Painter José Antonio Sistiaga talks to us about his life and his work. He also discusses his method, showing us how he uses a brush to splatter everything around him with paint, including the floor, the walls... and celluloids, which he suddenly realised could be painted on. Sistiaga ...

"Fragmentos para una historia del otro cine español"

A documentary about experimental cinema in Spain

"Fragmentos" is a journey through the history of experimental cinema in Spain, but it does not follow a chronological sense because there has not been a continuous sequence of schools either. On the one hand, the most relevant films and authors are highlighted; on the other, some general aspects ...

Rose Lowder. «Bouquets 1-10» by Gloria Vilches

February 2021

Gloria Vilches, Xcèntric Coordinator, presents Bouquets 1-10, by Rose Lowder, one-minute compositions whose frames, filmed in the same area at different times, are interlaced so that each bouquet of flowers also becomes a bouquet of images. Bouquets 1-10, Rose Lowder, France, 1994-1995, 16 m...

Pioneers of the cinema: on the fringes of the industry

Soy Cámara online

The programme looks at the work of pioneering women filmmakers and their technical and narrative contributions, and maps some of the foremost women in experimental and documental film. This chapter, divided into five thematic blocks (Pioneers, The female unconscious, Another room of one’s own...

Svankmajer Decalogue

Soy Cámara online

Jan Švankmajer's Decalogue, a text on his artistic principles written in 1999, perfectly sums up the vigor and artistic commitment of the animators of the exhibition "Metamorphosis". The program enunciates this decalogue and illustrates it with a selection of his works, recognized as ...

Metamorfosis. Quay brothers about the creative process


Born in the United States and resident in the United Kingdom for more than three decades, the Quay Brothers, identical twins, are at the forefront of world animation. In this interview, they talk about the process of creating new works

Third week of "Culturnautes 2018": The night Frankenstein was born

Making of an animation cinema short film

Video summary of the third week of Culturnautas 2018. Like Lord Byron, who challenged Mary Shelley to write a horror story, during the third week of 'Culturnautes' 2018, the youngest ones of CCCB have challenged their peers to create an animated film piece. Thus, different techniques of animation ...