An Universal Language?
Ramon Llull, Thought and Communication
La màquina de pensar: Ramon Llull i l’«Ars Combinatoria (The Thinking Machine: Ramon Llull and the Ars combinatoria) Opening Debate, with Amador Vega, curator of the exhibition, in conversation with Siegfried Zielinski, rector of the Karlsruhe University of Arts and Design, and Peter Weibel, conceptual artist and chairman of the ZKM | Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe.
"Ramon Llull thought that all knowledge is networked”
Amador Vega, curator
Amador Vega, curator of the CCCB’s exhibition “The Thinking Machine” talks about the contemporaneity of Ramon Llull’s model of thinking. The show presents the works of creators influenced by the Mallorcan thinker such as Salvador Dalí, Perejaume, Tàpies, ...
Ramon Llull and Network Thinking
Anna Punsoda
What is the Arts Magna? What was the reach of Ramon Llull’s logical-conceptual system? What language did it speak? What world could be created on that basis?